Ideal time control
Simple question: What do you think is the best time control to use in order to improve our game?
Certainly not blitz, but the point is, how slow should we play? In fact, that's exactly my problem, being slow. I can play reasonable well a G/45 using most of my time but get much weaker playing anything faster than this.
At first I thought about playing even slower games or stick with the G/45 but now I'm inclined to switch to G/30 and see If I can learn to play with less time.
The slower the better. G90 is absolute minimum. Speed comes with rating. 100 points is about 3 times faster.
G30 30 dude. That's what I play. Hey, are we playing our game or what? I haven't heard back from you.
Pawnsensei: That's me who haven't heard of you. =) I answered you long time ago on RomaLavrn's blog, and posted again about the game on my last post. Just drop here the best days/times for you.
I think the longer the better, but it's definitely hard to get a G/90 online. Try to get 30/30 or slower :)
You didn't sign up for the ICQ group yet. I posted my times there. I'm available today all day, and tomorrow from 1000 Server time.
What's "1000 Server time"? I can play today all day too. See you there. (If you want any specific time, drop here)
20 20
The same question I asked TripleCheck (who got his 400 points) and learnt from him:
1. The shortest is 20 15. Exception is 20 5 Saturday scheduled tourney on FICS.
2. Sure 30 30 is optimal. But you'll spend many time looking for an oponent for 30 30 and will play few games.
3. Always play with increment >12. It will save you from time troubles.
I decided for myself:
1. Ussual time control 20 20 (equal to 33 0, but with increment). It easy to find an opponent and I can play many games a day.
2. I play 20 5 and 45 5 scheduled FICS weekly tourneys, where I can find the strongest opponents (even>2200). The only place to find them is tourneys.
3. Longer time controls are good when additinal motivation for players is. Such may be teamchess (45 45), lidden's 90 30 tourney, MayMania 60 5 or othe STCBunch tourneys etc. It is nonsense to play 90 30 game against unmotivated random opponent, it is wasting of time. But additinally motivated even 1600 player is nice for learning.
About 2h for 40moves+1h for 30.. - it is 80 60 time control. It is goog idea to make 80 60 tourney between us. But 45 45 teamchess is soon, so I dont think we have time for it.
Good explanation! I'll try to stick around the 30 minutes proposed.
Online I like to play g/30 + 5 or slower. OTB, I like to play g/80 or slower.
If you do the first times slow, you can take your time to understand the positions, so you see WHY the tactics work. It helps you to see quicker the combinations in a later stadium.
When you start to soon with blitz games and play them to often you develop a pattern of wrong moves. You MUST learn first correct patterns. Some older chess friends make every time the same mistakes, without learning from it. We must be carefull of that.
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