Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Step 3 is finished.

One less to go. Step 3 of Tasc Chess Tutor(TCT) is now finished. My success rate there was 88%, which I think is ok.

My plan for now is just to go through the whole TCT collection slowly, reading all the texts, and just once, no circles. When I'm finished with this then maybe I do a circle or some mini-circles through the Steps, I'm not sure yet.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Pawnsensei said...


Please email me imediately. Your opponent on T 45 45 has posted his suggested times as of Wednesday 1:00 and you have until 22:00 FICS time today to respond or you will be forced to accept one of his posted times. Further, you need to respond by Friday 22:00 FICS or your game will be forfeit. Thanks.



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