[Event "rated standard match"]
[Site "freechess.org"]
[Date "2005.05.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "knightwizzy"]
[Black "Talmaster"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1504"]
[BlackElo "1667"]
[ECO "C30"]
[TimeControl "2700"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. fxe5 Nxe5 5. Nf3 Nxf3+ 6. Qxf3 d6 7. Bc4 Bg4 8. Qg3 Qd7 9. O-O O-O-O 10. d4 d5 11. Bxd5 Nxd5
Here Crafty wants me to play 12. exd5 followed by 13. a4 and 14. Bf5 which of course, I didn't. I didn't want to double my pawns and this pawn center with a centralized knight(at least for some more moves) looked good for me.12. Nxd5 f6 13. Bf4 Bd6 14. Bxd6 cxd6 15. Rae1 h5 16. Re3 Kb8 17. Ra3 Be6 18. Nc3 Rhe8 19. d5 Bg8 20. Qe3 b6 21. Qd3 Bh7 22. Re1 Qg4 23. Qa6 Rd7 24. Qc4 f5 25. Ra4 Rde7 26. Qc6 Qf4
Crafty gives me +4.81 with 25. e5! followed by 26. e6. The discovered attack on the queen gaining a tempo to advance the e pawn futher into black's camp would be nice, but I didn't see it.27. Rf1 Qe3+ 28. Kh1 Qc5 29. exf5 Bxf5 30. h3
h3? I left my c2 pawn without defence to the bishop's attack.30. ..., Qxc6 31. dxc6 Bxc2 32. Rh4 g6 33. b4 a6 34. Nd5
I had about 5 minutes on the clock against 25 to my opponent. Had to play the rest of the game under time pressure.34. ..., Re1 35. Rxe1 Rxe1+ 36. Kh2
Crafty wants 36. ..., Be4 when I think Black could at least get my passed c pawn.36. ..., b5 37. Rf4 Bf5 38. g4
The ideia was to get my rook into the 7th or 8th rank as soon as possible and play to queen the c pawn.38. ..., Re2+ 39. Kg3 hxg4 40. hxg4 Rd2
Black offers to trade his bishop on my knight. After 41. gxf5, Rxd5 42. fxg6 I'd get one more pawn for free with two passed pawns on g and c files, so I thought the trade was pretty good. Crafty agrees with me, but he wouldn't play 42. fxg6, instead 42. f6, advancing the pawn in a file already controlled by my Rook. 41. gxf5 Rxd5 42. fxg6 Rd1 43. Kf3 Kc7 44. Rg4 Rf1+ 45. Kg3 Rf8 46. Kh4 Rg8 47. Kh5 Kxc6 48. Kh6 Kd5 49. Kh7
Black can't prevent the g pawn from from queening. The rook is sacrificed.49. ..., Rxg6 50. Rxg6 Ke5 51. Rg4 d5 52. Kg7 d4 53. Kf7 Kd5 54. Kf6
Don't know why I played this moves with the King instead of going to the remaining pawns with the rook. Maybe because I had just some more seconds on the clock.54. ..., Kc4 55. Ke5 Kxb4 56. Kxd4 Ka3 57. Rg2 a5 58. Kc3 b4+ 59. Kc2 a4 60. Kb1 b3 61. Rg3 Kb4 62. axb3 axb3 63. Kb2 Kc4 64. Rxb3 Kd4 65. Kc2 Ke4 66. Rd3 Ke5
knightwizzy ran out of time and
Talmaster has no material to mate
This is the first game I annotate so don't expect much. The main lesson I got from it was: I need to work on my time management! From a total of 45 minutes I used 40 to the first half(34 moves) and 5 to the other half(32 moves) which is, certainly, not a wise aproach.